Saturday, July 4, 2015

Five Hours

So since I was supposed to update last Sunday about the convention, I came to the realisation that I wasn't able to get enough photos, and the photos that I did take weren't really the best. Then my laptop decided to cave in on me and would crash every time I would try to run a program. So now here I am on my dad's blinking laptop - better than nothing, at least.

So I'm currently on break for two weeks until I have to get back to school, and I honestly don't know what's wrong with me. I had my break all planned out - studying, drawing, doing some coding work, and just plain taking it easy. But I think the fatigue from the last few weeks of school (not to mention the stress I've had when I was sick) got to me, and now I'm just lying in bed falling asleep almost every hour of the day. I hope I get over this. I really want to get back on track before it's too late.

Honestly, I'm not really sure what to update with you guys right now. I believe I'm starting to develop a headache from the blinking screen of the laptop, so I might have to cut this update short. But before that, you guys should check out Quinn of Hearts. She's a cosplayer and she's really cool, so check her out sometime whenever. For today, the song would be Ink by Coldplay and the recommended book would be All My Puny Sorrows by Miriam Toews, a book that I would be reading next, so it's kind of like we're reading it together. Anyways, that's all for today and I'll be back with (hopefully) a better update! Oh, and happy 4th of July to all my American friends out there!

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