Thursday, November 14, 2013

This is somewhat uncomfortable

Okay. Honestly. I cannot take this. I'm sweaty and gross, and I didn't even do sport today. And before some of you will tell me how hot wherever you are, please. It's just. It's almost Christmas, and it's summer. Well, technically, it's spring here at the moment. But I'm not used to it. I mean, it doesn't snow back at home during December or something. But it's still cold. And now my friends are always telling me that it'll be hotter during Christmas.

Anyways, if you haven't heard, there was a typhoon in the Philippines. It would be nice if any of you guys who are regulars of my blog (did i just actually say regulars) would donate. Or at least send prayers? I just wish people who were affected would be alright.

On a lighter note, I'm having um, a 'debate' with my friend. Who would you rather be? Peter Pan or Captain Jack Sparrow? I mean, they're both amazing. But come on. It's also obvious who I went for. (if not, then okay). So if you guys want to help me win (PLEASE), comment below and tell me your opinion guys.

So, anyways, I need to end this. Because there's obviously nothing else to talk about. Or anything interesting happening. So here's Misery by Maroon 5 because it's been stuck in my head. Cheers!

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