Thursday, November 28, 2013


So it's a thursday, it's almost 2 in the morning here, and I'm doing school stuff (and 'blogging'). So, hey, I haven't been updating again. Like I said before, I've been busy. But this week's the deadline of all our requirements, and it's almost the end of the year, so yay. I'll have more time to waste after school.

Recently, I've received my courses for next year. And I'm actually quite happy with my results (except, you know, Phys Ed, because i suck). Teachers have been telling us that we shouldn't expect all our first options, since it's like a first comes, first served kind of thing, and a lot of students want the same courses, so I accepted that. They also said that it'll be rare for you to have any of your first options.

But, hey, guess what? Me actually handing in my form before anybody else actually proved its purpose. I got all of the courses I wanted! I got Craft Design, Photography, Visual Arts, Design & Engineering, Graphics & Animations and Programming Principles. And the fact that I got English Literature, and course 2 in both Maths and Science makes me ecstatic. I feel like this is going to be a good year.

Later after lunch, we'll be having a transition from the Middle School to the Senior School, and we'll be meeting our new mentors. I'm excited, yet terrified at the same time. Excited that I'll be able to get my timetable for next year, and terrified that I have to force myself to socialise due to the possibility of me not having a friend in my mentor. So, yeah. Hopefully, I could talk to one person (at least one, please)

What else is new? Well, I memorised the Australian Sign Language alphabet! And now, it's kind of my goal to learn sign languages from other countries, since I like learning other languages. And I'm just wondering. When doing sign language for French, or any language that have accents, do you guys also sign with the accents? Or something else? Someone please educate me; comment below if you know anything about this.

In my previous post, I said that i'll put up facts about me and a book rec. I'll post a couple of book recs by the end of the week, and maybe the facts after this week (I'm not sure with the facts, since no one really cares, haha). So stay tuned! (did I really just put that there) (yes, yes I did). To end this post, here's Can't Stand It by Never Shout Never, since I got it stuck in my head for a while now, and the song is adorable. Don't judge me. Bye!

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