Friday, August 9, 2013

I'm still tired actually

Why I didn't update yesterday? I was absolutely exhausted. Well, technically, I posted that book recommendation really early yesterday. Around 2 or 3 in the morning I think.

I’m proud to say that I’m being productive lately. School-wise, at least. I’ve been doing a lot of work, and I’ve been making lots of notes (in science, at least). And for the first time in my whole life (even when I was just a kid), I feel actually responsible. Feels nice. Yeah.

Oh, and I got some pixie dust a while ago. So yeah. I may or may not be going back to Neverland soon. If I don’t update this blog for about a week, you guys know where I am.

 Tonight, I'll be working on the storyboard and poster for the trailer of our project. It may actually give me inspiration. Hopefully. Sad though that I won't be able to do any user doodle for people. (I'm so sorry for those people! I promise, I'll do it all soon.)

By the way, I may be posting a playlist another playlist soon. I guess it’ll be about love? To me, there are four categories of music. Songs about love (being in love or about heartbreak, stuff like that), partying, motivating, and Owl City. Yes, Adam Young gets his own category when it comes to me. That category is basically about songs that are great to listen to, but it’ll take a while to understand the actual meaning of the lyrics (or when it doesn’t make any sense). But I love those songs the most. It gives the people the opportunity to figure out what the song means (or, yeah, something like that).

And since I mentioned Adam Young, here's Shooting Star by Owl City. Hope you enjoy! (14 more days until City of Bones! Huzzah!)

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