I've been tagged by my lovely friend, Jann-Jann (okay, maybe it's been a month since I've been tagged, but hey, here it is). So basically there are eleven (yes, I'm one of those that actually spell out numbers) questions that were made by Jann-Jann, and after answering the questions, I would be making up my own questions and supposedly tagging others to do the tag as well.
Anyways, let's begin, shall we?
Squirrels or beavers? Why?
I would have to go with squirrels. I'm not exactly sure why, but I've never been much of a beaver fan. I mean, would you rather choose Bidoof over Pachirisu? Bidoof is like the Zubat of the outer-caves (I mean, I guess the only time I've ever really liked Bidoof would be in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series, but that's besides the point). (And friendly reminder that Daryl Dixon shoots squirrels, not beavers. Enough said.)
Do you believe in forever?
(Christine, how dare you) In how I view it, forever would be included with the concept of time, which in a way could be a concept humans generated in order to explain the changes environment goes though. So in reality, that would depend on the individual's conceptual beliefs (basically, it would all come down to what people would want to believe in and if they're willing to do whatever it takes to make their definition of forever to be a reality.)
Do you believe in long-distance relationships?
(CHRISTINE JANN) Well, considering how there are long-distance relationships, I don't see why not. But if you're asking if long-distance relationships would work, in my opinion, again, if people are willing to go through with it and if the people involved are really committed (even with simple things like talking to each other online, Skyping, and whatnot) to the relationship, then yes, I truly believe it would work.
On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest, how beautiful is the person who tagged you in this post?
I'm not even going to lie, my beloved tagger is would be an 11. Not only is she aesthetically pleasing, but her soul is quite beautiful - cheerful, bright, and hopeful. I often wish to be like her, viewing her as my inspiration to be more optimistic and to have a better outlook towards life.
A swimming pool filled with ice cubes or a sauna with a bucket of boiling water in the corner?
The swimming pool option. I'm not a huge fan of heated temperatures and I tend to burn easily - let me go under the sun for a few minutes, and I instantly turn red. So yeah, the swimming pool option seems more appealing. In addition, ice baths are actually good for people (in moderation, of course), so there's that.
Yellow or blue? Why?
Though most people believe that I love black, my favourite colour is actually blue. I'm not really into bright, warm colours, so yeah, I prefer blue over yellow.
How do you feel about the Greek crisis? Explain in not less than 4 sentences.
I don't usually get into conversations like these over the Internet, so I'm not saying anything on the matter. Though, apparently I need to have at least a four-sentenced answer. So. Yeah.
Why do you blog?
I suppose it would be the same reason why I draw, write, and take photographs - I am a very sentimental person (the kind that keeps pressed leaves in books and stuff), and I love saving and recording memories and experienced in creative, artsy ways. And I suppose as dumb as it may seem, I would want at least one person who happened to see my blog to feel as if there's just a simple being that just wanted to share their experiences and to hopefully inspire others to just do what makes people happy (so as long as you don't hurt yourself or anyone else, of course).
Sushi or sashimi? Why?
I'm going to choose sushi only because the sushi that I often eat has avocado, and I guess you could say that's a weakness of mine. Though really, sashimi's also fine.
What is your opinion on lace dresses?
They're really pretty, though I doubt I could pull them off (doubt I could pull off most clothing items, really). FUN FACT: I used to want to become a fashion designer, and up until now, I would stare at clothing items to get inspiration from their styles and patterns (the reason why I gave up on that career choice is because a friend told me they do anatomy drawings in their fashion design class, and that wss it for me.)
Science or faith?
In my opinion, there should be a balance of both. Often it would require faith to believe in the scientific wonders around us and science to explain certain faithful, some would even say miraculous, phenomenons. I do believe that both may work hand-in-hand and that an individual's beliefs would merely be a small portion of themselves and would not define them as human beings.
And since I don't necessarily know anybody to tag, I would just post my questions, and if anybody out there would want to answer them, feel free to do so and send me a message as well, since I'm curious as to what people have to say.
- What language would you like to speak fluently in and why?
- Are you happy with your given birth name? Why or why not?
- What is the one song that you could listen to over and over again, yet you would not get tired or annoyed of it?
- What do you value more - loyalty or honesty?
- What is your mbti personality type?
- What are the top three features that you genuinely like about yourself? (Come now, there are surely lots)
- Would you rather live in a city or in a suburban neighbourhood?
- What is your best childhood memory?
- Are you capable of not logging onto any social media accounts for a month?
- If you were given a chance to do so, what would you tell your younger self?
- Who is your favourite Marvel character (protagonist or antagonist)?